Tuesday, February 17, 2009

DEVD: OLD Wine in NEW Bottle!

Its been long that I had not come up with a post.The reason just being not getting anything inspiring enough.And now finally seem to have got a topic and invariably its turned out to be a movie.After all I am a bigtime movie buff,as one of my earlier posts mentioned.I know this post will turn out be a kinda review on the movie 'DEVD',but m sure its interesting enough to be written about.
Well,quite frankly,when I first saw the promos of DEVD on TV,I found them very weird but at the same time interesting.The director of the movie was Mr.Anurag Kashyap who had earlier made the intriguing BLACK FRIDAY and thrown a Brett Lee bouncer with NO SMOKING.I managed to skip NO SMOKING thankfully and was planning to do the same with DEVD as well.The movie released last week and the critics all over praised it like anything.Well,all the critics applauding a movie is still isnt a good enough reason to watch a movie in the theater.But a couple of my friends,who took a chance and went for the movie,were pleasantly surprised!!So,here was I,making a bold move and went into watch the movie and the experience wasnt that bad at all!So,I knew that DEVD is supposed to be a modern take on the age-old novel DEVDAS which had undergone numerous attyachaars earlier with as many as 13 films being already made on the same story.I had not catched up with any DEVDAS movie,not even the more popular Shahrukh's.But I just knew the basic premise of the story and I went in with least expectations.The story has a few changes I guess but the treatment is just fantastic and totally out of the box but yet real.The films is daringly different but yet at the same time it isnt too much experimental and arty.I wish the film was slightly more pacier especially the second half..The cinematography is excellent and the music is amazingly different.There are around 18 songs in the movie which keep going on in the background,though few songs do slow up the movie.The music of the film may not be something which you may listen to later on a CD or something,but then it just goes right with the movie and its mood.The performances of the lead actors is good.Abhay Deol as Dev is decent,though he has more expressions and actions than words.Mahi Gill as Paro is very good and reminds you of Tabu in many closeup shots and I wish she had got a bit more to do in the movie.Kalki Koechlin as Chanda is just average and could have been better,though her looks quite suit the role.The other supporting cast is also competent enough to make the movie engaging.Since the movie has got an 'A' certificate,its def not a movie which you can watch with kids(kids wont be allowed anyway,but U cant take them even if they do allow).It has got a lot of lust,not too much obscenity though and a hell lot of expletives.Overall,it was an enjoyable experience,for me atleast!
I would not go into the details of the story as it would lengthen by blog further and also,I would recommend you to watch it once.I am not sure if everyone would enjoy this movie,but what I would say is,u either hate it or love it,But you just cant ignore this one,If you really are a movie buff.So,go for it guys!

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