Sunday, January 24, 2010

3 Idiots-ism!

After a long hiatus,I am back with a new post on my blog.Lets not get into the reason for being away from blogging,probably would need a new post altogether for that:)Finally,I get something worthwhile for my blog and c-incidentally it turns out to be related to one of my favourite topics i.e movies.

So, its exactly been a month now that Bollywood got its biggest hit ever(thats what they claim),3 Idiots.The movie was anticipated for quite some time now and I like the above average movie buff I am,was damn excited to catch up.Unfortunately, could not watch the movie in the theater but the internet does make things very easy these days.So, is this post my review on 3-Idiots.Read on.

Film-making wise,Rajkumar Hirani's third movie does not quite match up to his Munnabhai Series movies,but like his previous two movies, does pass a strong message and prompts you into some soul-searching.Being an engineer myself,I could completely relate to most of the stuff shown in the movie.Adapted from the novel 5 point someone,the movie does manage to get into lot of intricacies of an engieer student.The soul-searching I would like to do myself here is,which of the 3 Idiots from the movie I am exactly!I honestly believe,that I am not probably completely like any of the 3 idiots.However,I think there is a bit of all the 3 idiots in me.For starters,frankly,I was always in bottom half of the class when it came to marks throughout my engineering(except for the last few sems).Now,reasons for this maybe somewhat similar to Raju's in the movie,high pressure on myself,high expectations from myself,being a good student all the time before that.There are at times in my life,when I am appreciated for my non-engineering skills,which probably for a second or two does put me into a thought that engineering was never for me!This establishes my relation with the second idiot i.eFarhan.No comes the star of the 3 Idiots,Rancho.Rancho excels in engineering,thats coz thats his passion.Now,even me,during my struggling days of engineering,there were many subjects where i really did not have to put efforts to excel in that.It quite came naturally to me.So,probably those subjects were really my passion!But probably,i never pursued or followed them:)

Its a totally different issue that today,the work I am doing is totally unrelated to what I studied in my 4 years of engineering.But,I can still say that I am proud of my engineering days and an very happy to be still associated with that,in whatever little relation it is:)I am glad that movies like 3-Idiots are being made and do raise questions about our education system,which maybe needs a huge overhaul soon.So while the whole of India and Indians all over the world start suffering from 3 Idiots-ism,I would like to end my post here by saying that next time when somebody calls you an 'Idiot',do not get offended.It might actually be a compliment:)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tempted by the temptress:)

It's always great to speak with people who share your own passion for pizza.hence..i am nt going to mince any words.. n i am gnna srt reviewing right away.. This first part constitutes to what he thinks constitutes makes the perfect pizza. There are those versions of pizza, such as 'Temptations', that are influenced by emotional and atmospheric qualities that make them perfect within the situation in which they are devoured. Then there are those that are technically superior and, therefore, pizza paradigms.You can taste the "ball of fresh mozzarella (that) had melted into a semiliquid state, and the black truffle paste running through it in rivulets.Aker explained that he mixes all of his dough by hand.Honestly, I was astounded at their extensive knowledge about pizza. These guys know their stuff. Albert's side bar: That's how Chris Bianco makes his dough. By hand. Every bit.He makes it the day before and allows it to proof before being ready. He also makes all of his own mozzarella. He was proud of the fact that all of the pizzas contain locally grown ingredients.The wood fired oven uses kiawe wood from Molokai. Kiawe burns very hot, which is important. There really is an art to using a wood fired oven.After much discussion, our pizzas were ready."and for hours.. I had reached the Floodgates of a foodie's heaven.
The verdict: in a word: amazing. The crust is light with a slight burn. The tastes of the ingredients melded together to create a wonderful pizza.One word for it??AMAZING ..!!!