Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Clean bowled by Cricket!

A nice and lazy sunday afternoon,time is 2.30 PM,sitting in front of the TV.Lush green outfield at Chinnaswamy Stadium,all players are set.Its Virender Sehwag on strike and English bowler James Anderson comes into bowl,ball is wide outside the off-stump and WHACK!!Sehwag bangs it for four...Wow!What a start!
Well,I know that the lines above do not make any sense to all non-followers of cricket.But for an avid cricket fan like me,its a perfect way to spend a sunday.With India 3-0 ahead in the series,We were going to push really hard for a 4th win and that itself was a exciting prospect. Infact,with such a good start,I was even ruing the fact that I will have to attend a reception later in the evening.Luckily rain gods made sure that I did not have to miss the match much.
So,Welcome to India.Here we have various religions like Hindu,Muslim,Christians,Sikhs,Parsis and then,there is cricket.India,being a country of more than 100 crores of people,has a huge fan following in cricket.Though cricket has its share of critics who drub it as a waste of time and resources,you cannot deny the fact that it has always enthralled the people watching and following it and will probably will always continue to do so.
Though,I agree with the point that at times,cricket is indeed a waste of time and resources,but then unless and until it is not affecting the activities and things which you should be otherwise doing,I dont see any harm in spending time on cricket.
Cricket,though its not the national game of India,it is the widely followed game.The first and foremost reason being probably that the game has really evolved over the last decade.And of coz India has come a long way in cricket as well,right from winning the world cup in 1983 to reaching the world cup finals in 2003,to winning the 20-20 World Cup in 2007 and more recently beating world champions Australia comprehensively.
But as we know,our team is consistently inconsistent.And it will still take some time for us to say that we are dominating world cricket.However,we are way ahead when it comes to dominating world cricket commercially.Be it the players' earnings or advertisements & endorsements etc,India is way ahead of others.But to be quite frank,probably it will never happen that we will dominate world cricket with our performance on the field alone.If that does happen,I think we people might stop watching cricket.We don't always enjoy your team winning handsomely everytime without the opposition putting in a fight.We turn our cricketers into overnight heroes the moment they succeed and bring them down very badly the moment they fail(the media plays a very big hand in this).We Indians,have a very short memory,more so when it comes to cricket.We just love to see our cricketers win and at times lose as well but always with the hope that they would win next time.
Cricket was always meant to be a gentleman's game.This was may be because it was invented by the British,who are well known for their etiquette.But it is no longer the same.The players behaviour has changed over the years.Players sledge each other,give uneccesarry stares,swear on each other etc.But we cannot fault the intention of the players here.All they are trying to do is play some tough cricket and give the opposition a run for their money.After all who would not take pride in playing for your country.But over the years,the game has come into disrepute with corruption,match-fixing,betting coming into the picture.Though it is a bit hard to believe,that when you are playing for your country,how can you think of such things.But it has been proved on many ocassions,at times the players themselves admitting.So,actually speaking,today when we see a match,we never know,it may be actually fixed!
One more thing that is noticeable about cricket is that the game keeps innovative and evolving all the time,thanks to the administrators.Though along with many cricket admirers,I would insist that test cricket is real cricket,I equally enjoy watching a 20-20 match.The game's rules and regulations are reviewed from time to time,which makes the experience more enjoyable.

I know most of the stuff that I have scribbled above do not make much sense to non-followers of cricket.But to be very frank,I don't care either.Irrespective of its less pros and more cons,I have no hesistation in saying that I have been clean bowled by cricket for now and will continue to enjoy it,though I hardly get a chance to play the game now.
Meanwhile,India is getting ready to take on England in the 5th one-dayer at Cuttack.Lets make it 7-0 Team India!All the best! :)

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