Thursday, November 20, 2008

MBA: To be or not to be?

The title of the blog says it.The question I am asking here is that do we really need to be a MBA,to do well career-wise.
When i finished by engineering in 2005,like all passouts,was in a confusion,whether to go for a MBA right away or take some work experience and then join MBA.I took some advice from may of my seniors and well-wishers who had ample experience.Almost everyone gave me the advice of having some work experience first.
So,it did not take me much time to decide that i had to work for some time and then try for MBA inspite of knowing that studying while working or say by qutting working for a person like me,who always found difficult to study even during student days.Though i took this decision pretty quickly,unfortunately did not find a job that quickly(had myself to blame for that though).
The job search took me around 7 months but eventually when I did get it,I think i was very fortunate to get what I did.Good exposure,good atmosphere to work in and a decent pay packet really got going in my job ans started enjoying it.The IT industry was doing decent,so people with skillset were in demand.So,this made me take a jump as well for a better future,as they say,make hay while the sun shines.
Now,after spending more than 2.5 years in the IT industry,things have changed a lot now.The economic situation is no longer the same.Hiring has been replaced by Firing everywhere.Looks like no one is safe,not even the CEO of the company.I was just browsing through rediff and saw an article which gave an idea about the firing plans of many companies and man,the list is quite long.Pepsi,HSBC,RBS,Citi,Sun etc.etc.etc.the total number of jobs being cut running into thousands.Experts say when the job cuts start,the managers will the first scapegoats and you can survive if you have the technical expertise.If you are a MBA,you are more likely to fit into the former.So,is it really worth to go for a MBA now and probably dig up your own grave?Or on the other hand,is it possible to do a MBA now and land up with a good job,in the current economic meltdown.No economist in the world is able to predict the future.So,we dont know what is going to happen.But on the other hand,is it really possible to keep doing technical work till you stop working?Can you survive the competition?These are just the many more questions which arise,which probably are very difficult to answer.
So,as I m drawing close to the end of my blog,still havent been able to find an asnwer to my question asked in the beginning.But one thing is for sure,the one place where the MBA degree is surely going to help you,irrespective of the economic slowdown is that you will definitely be one of more sought after prospective bridegrooms :) In the current scenario,I can think of only this advantage.
Readers are welcome to help me out in this confusion,provided they themselves are not as confused as me :)

1 comment:

Shwetha said...

Congratulations on the inaugaral blog! Good blog to start with.. i have one more confusion in addition to this. I dont know what alternate profession to take up in case they throw me out of the company. MBA? cant study for 2 more yrs. Any ideas for alternate jobs ?:))